We’ll cover everything you need to know about managing your audience more effectively, so you’ll see higher engagement rates.

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  • Wednesday, December 05

    10 AM - 12 PM

  • 500 kpz Kingston Road

    Toronto on M4L 1V3

  • Countdown

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    00 : 00 : 00

Festival of Sharjah Entrepreneurship

Our founder had humble and typical beginnings, starting to prepare for his career by following in his father’s foot steps (which happened to be in the world of technology – computer science to be exact). It was the time of the dot-com technology bubble, where anything computer related were “hot” careers in the industry.

After, completing university co-op terms (and with the fortune of having several high school co-ops work experiences as well), he was poised to join the workforce as a developer or network administrator as most computer scientists did. As luck would have it, he would stumble upon (admittedly by accident) what he’ll come to understand as one of the most important parts of a career journey a referral. The referral was a high school friend’s brother who worked at a management consulting firm.

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