How To Become A Better Networker Part 1: Why a Resume Isn’t Enough to Land the Job

When you look at your resume, you probably have a lot of experiences and accolades. You’ve included your educational background, work experiences, club and association positions, certifications, awards, etc. You’re knowledgeable and qualified for the job, but still aren’t booking interviews. The problem isn’t what you don’t know, it’s who knows you.

Why does making connections matter?

80% of jobs are not posted online (from a Wall Street Journal report – google it if you don’t believe me). Many companies hire internally or through referrals. When paired with the fact that 75% of applicants come from online applications, this means 75% of applicants are competing for 20% of the available jobs. When applying to a position online (depending on the size of the company) your resume is competing with hundreds to thousands of other applicants. These apps are screened by the recruiter and passed onto the hiring manager. Knowing someone allows you to bypass the cold application process and for your resume to land on the recruiter or hiring manager’s short list. It eliminates the initial mass screening and goes directly to someone who matters.

Relationships magnify results

If you want to be selected for an interview and build a successful career, remember that your relationships magnify results. If you did a good job at work but no one knows about it, did you really do a good job? The more people who have experienced your exceptional work, the more they’re able to reference it when recommending you. Be ready to back up your track record of performances before you ask for a referral. Give someone a reason to refer you.

Getting in the door is the perfect balance between network and work. Networking isn’t easy, and most people are afraid of it. If you have connection anxiety, don’t worry. We have the tips to help you get over your connection anxiety in How To Become A Better Networker Part 2.

Contributed by Tiffany Kwong

