SIWIKE FAQ: When should I start writing my resume? NOW!
Well, this might seem like an odd question for a job seeker, this question makes more sense in the context of being a student. Often times things will ask when is the right time for them to start writing the resume? Some students might wait until their final year to start writing the resume. Those fortunate enough to be in co-op and internship programs would write their resume the term before. I recommend that you start writing your resume now. Not necessarily the part where it puts pen to paper, or hands to keyboard in order to type up your resume, I’m referring to having the experiences that will allow you to have something to write in the first place.
Ideally, if you can get related, work experience that would be the best. Outline all the activities and achievements that you have acquired in that space.
Clubs and student associations can be a great way to get experience. Depending on the size and maturity of the club, many offer leadership experiences, delegation and management experience, project and coordination experience and many other transferrable types of experience. Some clubs may require you to be a member and an associate or another type of volunteer before becoming a director or executive. Some offer leadership and other types of professional development training. Another bonus for being in a club is the access to network with the professionals that may attend events. You can chat with them and build meaningful connections as you are helping them with their responsibilities at the event.
Not all clubs are created equal and make sure you support a club where you also support their cause. You can consider whether a higher position in a smaller club (let’s say VP of the Anime club) vs a lower position in a larger club (let’s say Director of something in the Management student association) is more appropriate to you.
Part-time work can be just as good as full-time work if the resume experiences are relevant. If you are lucky enough to be able to get work directly related to your future planned work, that would be optimal. However, even working in retail or quick-serve or other seemingly low-level jobs can be helpful. Sometimes seemingly irrelevant experiences can be made relevant based on the transferable skills.
If you don’t have work experience then consider getting appropriate volunteer experience. Maybe some freelance jobs. Maybe a personal project that you’re working on that for fills the various experience needs and requirements that the jobs are looking for.
You should consider can do a gap assessment on a job that you’re looking for by looking at the responsibilities and qualifications and seeing if you can write something that satisfies what the company is looking for. If you don’t have anything then consider Pre-writing your resume.
Considering that a degree is really just “table-stakes” when it comes to new-grad jobs, extracurriculars and work experience can be an important differentiator to stand out in the job hunt. Otherwise, the assessment would b strictly against GPA. And if you think that you don’t have time during the day/week to do any of these, consider that after you graduate you’ll have nothing but time (if you aren’t competitive enough to get a job – you’ll be unemployed).
At the end of the day, it’s never too early to start writing a resume. And you start by having the experiences to have something to write!
Also published on Medium.