Title Card - Getting An Ergonomic Mouse

Getting An Ergonomic Mouse

Much like the keyboard, there are a very large number of mice to choose from for every style of user, and for all kinds of needs and requirements. Choosing a mouse can be as personal as choosing a wristwatch or a smartphone, where the model, features, size, and functionality can make all the difference in settling on your final decision.

Let’s get one thing out of the way right away. Yes, there are some very cheap mice out there that will do the exact same job as any other mouse in the workplace, but the point here is about comfort over long periods of time. You should never be thinking about how awful your mouse is, or why it’s not working as intended. I had a mouse whose scroll wheel only worked intermittently, even after being cleaned thoroughly. It’s not about what will just do the job in the moment, it’s about what will keep doing the job long after you’ve forgotten when you bought it, all while keeping your hands and wrists unstrained and healthy.

I want to start off with a small but not insignificant group of people: the left-handed. Most mice on the market are curved or shaped in such a way that makes it most comfortable for a right-handed person, but did you know that there are ambidextrous mice? They don’t follow any particular curve or line so that they feel comfortable no matter which hand you choose to use it with. There are also mice that are specifically designed to work with the left hand, although these are less common than the ambidextrous alternative. If you didn’t know what to look for, this is definitely what you should consider!

Now, believe it or not, but there is a second category that splits mice users in half: palm users and claw users. Palm users tend to rest their palm on the body of the mouse, which gives them more precise control over the movement of the mouse while being in a much more relaxed position. Claw users, on the other hand, tend to have their palm hovering over the mouse while using their fingers to grip the mouse. These are the two main types, although I have seen some people have a more hybrid style of grip as well, making this distinction much more fluid than just having one or the other.

These different types of users mean the shapes of their mice are going to be very different. There are several types of mice that have a very high-arched body specifically designed for palm users, allowing your hand to rest in a much more natural position. Claw grip mice tend to be flatter, but have mouse buttons that curve to the shape of your fingers, allowing claw users greater control with their grip of choice.

There are also a great many gaming mice out on the market as well, and although you might find it difficult to convince your workplace to spend money on them, I have found that some of the best ergonomic mice are those built for gamers, as they tend to be the ones who are gripping a mouse for long periods of time and using it constantly. Gaming mice have to perform with the most use and sometimes harshest conditions, so if you find yourself in the market for an ergonomic mouse, you definitely won’t regret picking up a quality gaming mouse.

Something that often gets overlooked is whether or not you want to have a wireless or wired mouse. Most people will opt for the wireless version, although I personally prefer the wired variant since it does not require battery changes, and I don’t have to worry about the potential issue of signal strength. Wired mice also come with different qualities of cable, some being stiffer plastic or sometimes a toughened braided nylon.

Finally, there are a lot of niche mice for those who need it. A trackball mouse is great for those who don’t want to move their wrists, featuring a large ball on top of the mouse that moves the cursor instead of physically moving the mouse. There are also a large number of mice with different weights, ranging from ultra-light to fairly heavy, and it’s up to the user to determine what feels the best for them. There are also mice that don’t conform to the usual shape of a mouse, opting instead to be more of a vertical, joystick style rather than the usual flat variation.

Whatever mouse you choose, just know that there are a lot of options and features, even beyond what I have gone into here today. My best suggestion is to do your research and try as many mice as you can, as that can be the only way you really get a feel for what feels the best to you.

