BOOK 2019: Job search warrior: Jamie Soo
For those looking to write a book, how about taking what you’ve written on a blog several times a week over the course of a year? Then take the good stuff and organize them into themes. That’s what Jamie Soo did. The approach has some built-in crowd-sourced editing. The top-performing pieces will definitely make it in. Those that aren’t as well read may still be included, even though the crowd has spoken (as it could have just been timing with whatever distribution platform not helping him get it out there).
The posts documents his job search conversations with others. Staying positive (the job search can be quite draining), stretching your comfort zone, building your brand, and other topics are just some you’ll find in the book.
“The job search warrior” was read Jan 2019
Why I decided to read it
I met Jamie at a LinkedIn local event and appreciated his desire to help others. Semi-retired, he wants to help those that are in career transition. He has a soft-spot for newcomers and takes his previous HR experience and guides them on their job search.
Who should read it
Job searchers.
Especially newcomers.
Those who want to find more about Jamie before connecting with him.
Memorable highlights for me
How simple the approach was to create a book. First, just have the bravery to put yourself out there and post. Write it for one specific person, realizing that if they are asking questions, chances are there are a lot of others asking similar questions. Then just put it out there. Don’t worry about publishers and all of that. There are all sorts of opportunities with Kindle Digital Publishing and others to get your words out there.
Have you read it? What did you think?
Get it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2CfG1r5