Author Archives: admin

Self Awareness Is Key

A few lessons from Chapter 2 of my book: Self awareness is key to knowing your strengths, weaknesses, and why…

Be the chef of your career

Important analogies from Chapter 2 of my book: Do you know the difference between a chef and a cook? A cook…

Constantly Seek Improvement

Here’s some important messages from Chapter 1 of my book: Each person is different; some need the structure and constant…

Have A Growth Mindset

Have you read the book SIWIKE? Here’s some important messages from the intro: Having a growth mindset is essential for…

Your Future Is Your Own

Have you read the book SIWIKE? Here’s some important messages from the intro: In my culture, you’re expected to get…

Small steps

Hi! So I’ll just go ahead and get this out of the way: I’m not Luki. Luki is a smart…

Welcome to FOCUS.inspired!

At FOCUS.inspired our goal is simple: helping others reach their career potential.  We want to make a positive impact on…