If you’ve read Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, and have put into action practising connecting in your…
Category Archives: Blog
BOOK 2019: The Memory Palace: Lewis Smile
Summary A short book that takes you through the concepts of a memory palace and a few practical examples of…
How To Become A Better Networker Part 2: Getting over Connection Anxiety
Not everyone is born an amazing networker. For example, you may be a shy person but that doesn’t mean that…
5 Languages of Appreciation: Gary Chapman and Paul White
Summary: A great resource to help improve employee engagement. Many organizations rely on recognition programs, however, an appreciation program would…
How to unlock your career potential
Career coaching requests used to come from friends or acquaintances that I’ve previously known and more importantly know me. With…
Step by Step Guide to Resumes INFOGRAPHC
An easy to follow infographic that provides you with the essential steps to create an awesome resume Follow: Share:
How To Become A Better Networker Part 1: Why a Resume Isn’t Enough to Land the Job
When you look at your resume, you probably have a lot of experiences and accolades. You’ve included your educational background,…
BOOK 2019: Applied Empathy: Michael Ventura
Summary: Applied Empathy has tactical and practical steps to implement empathy within work and life. The book is structured around 7…
My intro to consulting
When people are informed that I used to run the undergrad campus recruiting program for a service area of a…